Frequently Asked Questions


  • What are your opening hours?

    Monday - Friday from 08:00 - 17:00 hours, we are closed on Saturdays and Sundays.

  • How can I request a Leuveld | Hinrichs | Huelsmann Nurseries B.V. catalogue?

    You can request a catalogue via this website if you are a greenery-related business. Please enter your details and we will make sure you receive a copy of the catalogue as quickly as possible.

    Would you prefer a digital copy of the catalogue rather than a paper one?

    Please send us an email with your details to: with the subject line: requesting a digital catalogue.

  • How can I request login details for the Webshop?

    You need to request an account from us to view or use the webshop.

    As we only supply greenery-related businesses, our webshop can only be accessed if you meet this condition. Please enter your information here.

    We will process your data as soon as we receive it, you will then receive an email from us containing your account and login details.

  • How do you list your prices?

    The prices listed are garden-ready and ex VAT. Transport and packaging costs are calculated afterwards and will be charged accordingly.

Our hedging plants

  • Which hedging plants do you grow?

    Leuveld | Hinrichs | Huelsmann Nurseries B.V. is specialised in growing evergreen hedging plants which are between 60 and 220 cm high, with root ball but also in containers. We grow the following among others:

    Thuja occ. ‘Smaragd’ Thuja occ. ‘Brabant’
    Thuja occ. ‘Pyramidalis Compacta’ Thuja plic. ‘Martin’
    Taxus baccata Taxus media ‘Hilli’
    Taxus media ‘Hicksii’ Prunus laur. ‘Etna‘®
    Prunus laur. ‘Genolia’® Prunus laur. ‘Green Torch’®
    Prunus laur. ‘Novita’ Prunus laur. ‘Rotundifolia’
    Prunus laur. ‘Elly’® Prunus laur. ‘Caucasica’
    Prunus laur. ‘Herbergii’ Prunus laur. ‘Otto Luyken’
    Prunus lus. ‘Angustifolia’  

    Furthermore, we also grow: Taxus bac. ‘Fastigiata Robusta’, Juniperus s. ‘Blue Arrow’, Juniperus com. ‘Hibernica’, Picea glauca ‘Conica’, Picea omorika and more.

  • How are root balls netted?

    Plants which are between 50 and 120 cm in size are featured with machine netting. Plants of 120 cm and higher are netted using acrylics/jute (please indicate when ordering). Wire root balls, pot fitted options are also available for a surcharge. Please inquire about the possibilities.


  • How will your plants be delivered or packaged?

    We can provide the full gamut of garden plants. However, not all plants can be prepared for transportation the same way. Just like you, we want to make sure that your plants arrive looking tidy and groomed. Delivery options include CC containers, in box, on pallet, stackable pallets and/or packaged individually. Standard delivery for our plants is in box and plants over 160 cm are delivered individually or on pallets. We recommend transportation using a CC, container or stackable pallets. Please consult returning containers for the rates applicable to the various packaging materials. 

    Please contact our sales team for advice.

  • What does container mean in this context?

    We use a variety of different packaging materials and containers with preparing your order. You will be charged for a number of these materials. You will then receive a reduced rate from us if you return the materials in question. Please consult returning containers for information about the rates you will be charged for the container types.

  • What are your delivery periods?

    Please take 4 working days into account for processing your order once you have submitted it.

    Please see the page delivery, for delivery periods and the conditions. Do not forget to indicate whether you will collect your order yourself, have it collected by your carrier or if you would like us to organise transportation for you.

  • How do I make sure my plants will reach their destination?

    Close collaborations with a number of reliable shipping companies means that we can organise transportation throughout Europe and that your delivery will feature the correct paperwork and documentation. You can always pick up your plants in Denekamp yourself.

  • I need a phytosanitary certificate for my delivery, can you provide one?

    A phytosanitary certificate can be asked for when exporting plants, vegetables, fruits and other plant-based products outside of the European Union. The products which will be exported first need to be subjected to an assessment process. This may be the case for nursery products or cut flowers. We can provide this assessment for you and ensure that you have access to the right documentation for your delivery.